Designed as a social-entrepreneurial endeavor, Eddy’s Kitchen is a program hoping to alleviate hunger among schoolchildren in Kisumu county, Kenya. With dignity and respect to the participants of Eddy’s Kitchen, administration, volunteers, and the community alike will be providing these children with supplemental nutrition on the weekdays. Several statistics back our findings that hunger and lack of nutritious foods in school children lead to poor school performance, mental impoverishment, infections, stunted growth, and a lowered social interaction amongst their peers. A program that fills the gap of meals could reduce these adverse problems and sustain healthy developmental growth.
Vision statement
Our vision is to see the children and youth of our communities graduate from school, and become self-sustainable, healthy adults who are literate, and economically stable.
Working areas
Eddy’s Kitchen could be the precedent for others in the community and the surrounding Kisumu county area. The focus is on meeting holistically the needs of children within the context of their families and the community of which they are apart.